- Diet, nutrition, growing and mental health
- Molecular bioactivity of foods
- Oenological biotechnology
- Microbial biotechnology of foods
- Nutrigenomics
- Cheminformatics and nutrition
- Oenological technology
- Vitiviniculture
- Studies of cellular signalling mechanisms in endocrine and inflammatory cells.
- Flavonoid bioactivity in cultured cell lines and histotypic systems which imitate the gastrointestinal barrier (co-culture systems of enterocytes and hepatocytes, beta and endothelial cells, among others).
- Animal models (rat) of obesity, diabetes and inflammation.
- Assays of enzymatic activity, genic expression (qPCR), protein expression and quantification (ELISA and immunoblotting).
- Omics techniques
- Toxicity assays
- Gastrointestinal wall function studies: Ussing Chambers, ex vivo systems.
We carry out studies and provide advice in relation to the knowledge areas mentioned above, in scientific collaboration context, test of compounds effects on request, analysis of samples...
- Patent "Proanthocyadins use for suppressing of hunger or inducing satiety", application number P201431532.
- Patent application "Hydrolysates from chicken houndstooth's claws, its peptides and its uses", application number P201731065.
- Responsible: Montserrat pinent Armengol
- 977 55 95 66
- mobiofood(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat